and here i am drinking a variety of beverages. holyyy shi***, it's an outfit post. it's been so long i could've been going nude these last few months and you never would've known. that's a scary thought. me going nude for months not the not knowing part. unless you follow me on instascram in which case you would know that i am still putting little effort into my outfits. i mean i have cute things but i work in a studio all day errday and no one sees me. except my coworkers. only they know the true dirtbag that wears flannels and leather shorts every day. ok i'm being a bit dramatic. it's late, and i'm hungry.
vest//sandro, hoodie+socks//american apparel, top//stylestalker, boots//old as dirt, bag//miumiu, rings and bracelets, luv aj. photos//zoey grossman