body bag, party of one. you can literally fit a family of four in this beast. good luck finding my keys.

posted a picture of this big bad wolf here. this thing is painful. who cares. it's one crazy mother cuffer.

slacka ass slackaaaaaa returns. i'll have you know the only thing i slack on in life is this blahggg. and maybe cleaning my room. this week has been nuts balls. i styled a lookbook on thursday, got one measly day off, then woke up at the most brutal hour of 5 am to drive to palm springs to shoot an editorial, which was way rad. (the editorial not the ungodly wake up call). and then today, another lookbook. my creative juices are running low. homegirl needs a vacation. a vacation where i don't have to come up with "jewelry stories". or say cute. and yes i know i was just wearing a long dress with a harness over it. did you just miss the sentence about creative juices running low?
dress//evil twin, vest//topshop//, shirt//current/elliott, rosary//pamela love, cuff//citrine by the stones, photos//zoey grossman <3