soooooo like real talk these jeans are the SHIT. when i first got them in mail i was like "ermagerrrddddd" and my boyfriend was like "what are those?" and i was like "so fucking cute duh" and he was like "errrrkayy" so its maybe more of a girl thing but either way true love between me and these babies. this shirt was in my friend nick's donate pile----i was like "what dis" and he was like "vintage ann taylor----its too tight for me" and i was like well my friend one mans trash is another mans perfect striped button down. free 99. mondays suck ass so hopefully this post will shave a good 3-4 minutes off the dreaded workday. unless you don't read this and you're just a scroll-er troll-er. like me. love a good troll scroll. xx
bells//lenni the label, button down//ann taylor (oldie), leather necklace//luiny, photos//zoey grossman
bells//lenni the label, button down//ann taylor (oldie), leather necklace//luiny, photos//zoey grossman