i am so in love with this polka dot coat its not even funny. i feel like when you say black and white polka dot faux fur coat so many red flags go up in your mind, but in real life its a match made in heaven. the amount of faux fur coats i have at the moment is a bit obscene, i feel like its my strange addiction------but heyyyyyy-----its better than eating couch cushions or dryer sheets so leave me alone! this dress may look familiar to you.....i also have it in baby blue which i posted here....and love the white equally as much-----its a go to bathing suit cover up in the summer fo sho. and these boots i bought from zara the second i laid eyes on them and they are perfect furry goodness....and whoever told you don't mix polka dots and leopard.......what a loser! wear what you want cause it makes you feel good and who gives a fuck what other people think......people wear yoga pants and crocs in public...….a little late but i hope you all had a good thanksgiving my friends! i passed out at the dinner table. i dont know......i blame the coconut vodka. k love you bye! xx
coat//nasty gal, dress//for love and lemons, boots//zara, earring//bagatiba, sunglasses//wildfox, photos//zoey grossman
coat//nasty gal, dress//for love and lemons, boots//zara, earring//bagatiba, sunglasses//wildfox, photos//zoey grossman
polka dots, lace, and leopard oh my! loveeeee!
Neon Fox
Love the lace detail! xo
a mess of patterns...I simply love it
Obsessed with that coat, so cute!
this coat is amaaaazing!