hello again. here's part deux of my workin' weekend in jackson hole, wyoming. which by the way, is colder than a witches tit. which is weird cause i've never touched a witches tit but apparently people have and they are damn cold. this jacket finalllllly came in handy and served a purpose of warmth rather than a multicolored faux statement and i was so happy to be able to wear it all damn day cause it rules. and i'm sure you are probably sick of this cardigan but i can't take it off cause i love the color and it layers oh so right. also, who flashes their witches tit in 11 degree weather? me, cause i'm inappropriate. i can't help it. purse 'n boobs! speaking of boobs happy hump day! couldn't help that one either. ok bye.
jacket//scotch&soda, cardi//american apparel, tank//daftbird, bra//for love and lemons, faux leather pants//h&m, sunglasses//benjamin eyewear, photos//zoey grossman <3