i'm super stoked to show you guys this lookbook.....not only do i love everything about it so very much but it's my bff pj's debut collection.....zoey and i put alot of tlc into this little baby! the line consists of a sickkkk ass moto jacket, moto vest, and denim shirtdress-----and i want to wear every last bit. everything comes in every color under the sun, so my dream to have an oxblood leather jacket will be coming true veryyyyy soon. i'll take the grey and nude one too. and the emerald green thankyouverymuch. working with 2 of your best friends is always a pleasure. and when you have a super hot bleached brow model with a bangin' bod, it's more pleasure than business. or a pleasure doing business? meow. xx
photography//zoey grossman, model//tk @ elite, obviously i styled this shizz, makeup//stacey tan, jackson clothing contact info, here.
photography//zoey grossman, model//tk @ elite, obviously i styled this shizz, makeup//stacey tan, jackson clothing contact info, here.