my new favorite necklace/weapon in dark alleys.

burgundy boats.

scotch scotch scotch....i lo---i do not love scotch. it makes me gag. even just the thought of it. so. gnarly. i do however, love burgundy. love me some burgundy. when i stumbled on these boots online i may have shed a tear of joy. can't get ever have enough boot. and i love a summer boot---these have amazing built in cut-out ventilation for those hot schweaty days. too bad the cut-out went literal and cut out a chunk of my foot the first day i wore them. limped for a day, and took a week to recover. it's safe to say we are currently in a love/hate relationship. i'm stuck in a major big top and short short rut right now. not that it's a new thing, but in the summer, it's on the daily. and i really do have shorts on under there, i swear. 3 day weekend dudes. you know what that means. go big or go home! but stay away from the scotch.