mondazzzzzzeeee blow. but a short work week into a long holiday weekend is what i'm talkin' bout! i'm gonna cruise through this week and start stuffing my face with the good stuff come weds night! and then the entire weekend. hells to the yes! ok so this jacket is on heavy rotation at the moment----i love it so much-----its not bulky at all----which is the problem with some of my faux furs----i feel like an abominable snow beast whilst wearing them----but this guy is like a cardigan and i don't feel like a yeti i just look like one. and i love the shit outta these pants. i feel like i'm going to the club when i put them on so i try to majorly dress them down so i don't look like disco sandra dee. and this white tee is just the shit. iro nails the moth eaten tee like no other. ok i've gotta get back to work. but have the best muthafuckin' thanksgiving humanly possible and eat and drink yourselves silly. xx
jacket//unreal fur, tee//iro, long plaid top//nasty gal, pants//motel, shoes//converse, choker and rosary bracelet//vanessa mooney, photos//zoey grossman <3
jacket//unreal fur, tee//iro, long plaid top//nasty gal, pants//motel, shoes//converse, choker and rosary bracelet//vanessa mooney, photos//zoey grossman <3