ok so i think that wearing sweats (like sleepy time sweats) out of the house is wrong. because i feel like 1. you look like a slob, and 2. it's just as easy to throw on a pair of jeans, a skirt, a onesie, a dress-----i mean basically anything else. disagree with me as you will, im not judging! you wanna walk around in your dirty jammies all day, rock it out! ok i'm off topic.....oh yes. sweats. sooooooo i didn't go far in these sweats, just to dinner------but i left the house in sweats. only zara can empower me in such a way. full plaid suits, sweats in public-----apparently i am under zara's spell at the moment. whatever dude, they are en fuego!
jacket//sandro, pants//zara, tank//rvca, heels//shoe cult, necklace//luv aj, backpack//alexander wang, bra//lonely hearts, photos//zoey grossman