have you guys ever published a blog post and then the next day it totally dissapears? what the hell is up with that? that happened with this bad boy that i published yesterday. i dont care so much about resizing and uploading the pics, but the commentary?! jeeeeez it takes me forever to think of witty bits to say! well i do remember i was talking about how much i love this studded jacket, and how i haven't worn it yet, so i suffered for my craft and threw it on in the semi-sweltering heat cause i have grown bored with summer outfits already. and summer just started! woof! ok well i gotta go im sorry----heres hoping that when i hit publish, this guy sticks. k love you bye! x
jacket//alc, tank//topshop, pants//zara, bra//aimee-cherie intimates, pics//zoey grossman
jacket//alc, tank//topshop, pants//zara, bra//aimee-cherie intimates, pics//zoey grossman